Hallam Road traffic lights now on

The traffic lights are now on at the Hallam North and Heatherton Road intersection. Picture: MRPV

Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) has switched on the traffic lights at Hallam North and Heatherton Road.

The intersection was reopened three days early after two weeks of round-the-clock works, where MRPV removed the roundabout to transform the road into a signalised intersection.

With the traffic lights switched on, motorists can now travel through the key intersection with one through lane, one right turning lane and one left slip lane.

During the closure, MRPV constructed new pavement, traffic islands, medians and crossings, installed traffic signals and signal controllers, completed electrical works including the installation of cables and wiring, completed temporary line marking and installed new signage.

The upgraded road will improve traffic flow as well as ease congestion in the area.

“We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience while we carried out these important works,” MRPV said.

Vehicles can access Heatherton Village via the western entrance while works at the eastern entrance continue.

MRVP has urged locals to continue to support local shops at Heatherton Village and fuel up at the local Coles Express and United Petroleum.

For more information on the Hallam North and Heatherton Road Upgrade, visit bigbuild.vic.gov.au