All business at school fair

The school fair was enjoyed by the school community. Photos: supplied

By Jasmin Rush*

On Thursday 20 October, Fleetwood Primary School ran its annual ‘Mini Mad Day’ – a tradition at the school for more than 10 years.

Run in conjunction with their business and economics unit, Year 5/6 students created stalls, designed advertisements and run the stalls to make a profit.

Among the range of stalls students came up with were trash and treasure stalls, soccer and netball shoot outs, plucky ducky, hairspray and face painting, guess the lolly jar, churros and more.

The funds raised from the event will be used for the Year 6 graduation and final year activities.

This year, the event was run after school so more of the community could get involved and join in on the fun.

This meant a wider range of stalls such as potato ninja, an ice-cream van, jumping castle, karate, football, girl guides and the Casey 360 van.

Year 5/6 student Mitchell said the fair gave him a glimpse of what business is like in the real world.

“Mini Mad Day was hard but worth it because we raised a lot of money. Our stall was super popular,” he said.

“I think the best part was the music and seeing everyone having fun. It was certainly worth it for the results!”

Year 3/4 student Mishaal also had fun at the fair.

“Mini Mad Day was fun because of the bouncy castle. I also liked the hair colour stall and I even bought ice cream and Ninja Potato. It was also fun throwing the water balloon and getting wet.”

*Jasmin Rush is a Year 5/6 teacher at Fleetwood Primary School.