Zoe’s ATAR joy

Berwick College Dux Zoe Searles with principal Kerri Bolch and assistant principal of senior school Andrew Barker. Photo: supplied

Zoe Searles has been named as Berwick College’s 2022 Dux, achieving an ATAR score of 97.90. She spoke to Star News about how she felt when she opened her ATAR on Monday morning.

How are you feeling about being the dux of your school?

When told I was the Dux I was overcome with joy, it has been the greatest privilege to be a Berwick College student and then to be named the highest scoring, it was truly an honour to be named such an esteemed student.

How were you and your family feeling the morning when you got your results?

The night before felt exactly like Christmas eve as a child, so as you can imagine I did not get much sleep in anticipation of results day. However, come 7am I was in absolute shock at the incredible score I received, not truly believing I had done that well. Then it all settled in and I was extremely proud of myself and relieved that all the hardships I had faced throughout the year were all worth it. Missing my English exam as I had covid was extremely worrisome and really added a damper on the rest of my exams, yet I was still able to achieve an amazing result. Telling my parents of my results, they were extremely proud and elated about my success, particularly as they had witnessed the behind-the-scenes of my efforts, so seeing it come to fruition was truly magical for them.

What was your study routine and how did you find remote learning?

I remember always thinking that I was never doing enough study throughout the year, however, looking back I utilised every spare minute I had. I would catch the early morning bus to school and study the hour before school. I had quite a few free periods this year as I had done two subjects early last year so I utilised all those time blocks to study. Additionally, I would often stay back after school until 5 to finish off some homework and then do some light note-taking in the evening while watching Netflix. It was a very full study schedule but I managed to also find time for myself and hang out with friends.

The first year of remote learning was fun, something different and a great opportunity to get lots of sleep! However, come 2021, I was starting to miss the connection with friends and teachers alike, thus my motivation dipped quite significantly. I was able to still complete all my work and achieve great scores, but not to my true full potential. So, I am extremely grateful that this year was free from lockdowns as I am certain I would not have been able to achieve the results I did.

Are you looking to study further and if so, what uni course are you considering?

Yes I am! I’m considering doing a double degree in commerce and arts at Monash University. The commerce degree as I really enjoy business and maths, and then the arts degree so I can also focus on writing and literature as I am interested in those domains as well.

Do you have any words of wisdom for the class of Year 12 2023?

Honestly, Year 12 is such a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges, but also one of the greatest years of my life. The most important thing is to surround yourself with a good group of people who can support and lift you up. Also, ensure that you find a balance between putting the effort in to succeed and enjoying your final year of high school as it is certainly one to remember and one you don’t want to regret.