Berwick College will take over management of the Berwick Leisure Centre from 1 July under a new long-term agreement between council and the school.
This follows a needs analysis conducted by the City of Casey into gymnastics provision throughout the municipality.
Council has held a 40-year partnership with Berwick College and the school has had exclusive access to the facility, which borders the school, during school hours.
Following agreement with the Berwick College School Council, the school will assume responsibility for how the facility is used by both the school and broader community.
City of Casey director community life, Callum Pattie said council regularly reviewed its services and programs to identify opportunities for improvement, and to ensure resources are allocated appropriately to provide the best value and benefit to meet the demands of our growing community over the long-term.
“We are coming to the end of the current contract for management of our stadiums so the time was right to review current usage, costs and the long-term performance forecasts for our facilities such as the Berwick Leisure Centre,” Mr Pattie said.
“As there are a number of other private and council-owned facilities in Casey providing gymnastics, council has reached agreement with the school to take over management of the centre, giving them greater scope to use the building to its fullest potential.”
The current YMCA operated gymnastics program will stop being offered from the Berwick Leisure Centre from July 1, 2023. YMCA, which facilitates the current gymnastics programming at the facility, will work directly with members to transition them to alternative gymnastics programs.