Q and A with Narre Warren CFA volunteer Anastasia Barker

Anastasia Barker (centre) is a volunteer firefighter and recruitment officer / member wellbeing officer with the Narre Warren CFA. Photo: supplied

What do you love about being a CFA volunteer?

There is so much to like about being part of the CFA. More than anything I love the opportunity to work alongside and learn from amazing people throughout CFA. Some of my favourite times have been on courses or on Strike Teams, learning and meeting like-minded people. I have always enjoyed helping people, so being able to assist the community at their time of need is something I am passionate about. The opportunities available to CFA Volunteers are endless, I am truly proud to be a CFA Volunteer Firefighter.

What would your last meal be?

A Chicken Parma.

What is your most memorable moment?

I am truly blessed that I have multiple memorable moments in my life. The birth of both of my children is by far the most momentous life changing moment, meeting my wonderful husband, being the recipient of The Firefighter of the year Award for our Brigade for the years 2020 & 2021 which mean the world to me, and the opportunities and experiences that I have been able to provide for my family travelling and laughing together making memories.

What event past or present would you like to witness?

The moon landing in 1969.

Which three guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

Robin Williams, Betty White and Jim Carrey – It would be a side-splitting evening!

What are you currently listening to, watching or reading?

Listening to Dermott Kennedy; Watching Ted Lasso; reading Mans Search for Meaning.

If you had to compete on MasterChef, what dish would you cook?

A Greek dish called, Pastitso.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

Anywhere with my family.

What were you like as a kid?

Determined. Independent. Energetic. Inquisitive.

What was your first job?

An apprentice hairdresser.

What are the three most used apps on your phone?

Instagram, Facebook and BART

What’s one question that you have always wanted answered?

Can you cry under water?