Feedback welcomed on Lynbrook dog park site proposal

City of Casey is calling for feedback from the Lynbrook community on a proposed dog park to be developed at Banjo Paterson Reserve.

The council’s Dog Friendly Spaces (DFS) Policy provides direction on the provision and development of dog-friendly spaces within the City of Casey, with Banjo Paterson Reserve identified as a suitable location for a DFS within the Lynbrook area, which currently has no provision of dog friendly spaces.

Council is proposing a potential location towards the northern end of the site, adjacent to properties at 44-60 Paterson Drive, with council now seeking feedback from the community around the siting of the proposed space within the reserve.

Banjo Paterson Reserve is a large district level open space which functions as a park and a sports reserve, with large, passive, open space, consistent with the preferred location under the Dog Friendly Spaces Policy.

The council is proposing the space will be suitable because it provides a 0.5ha space in accordance with the Dog Friendly Space Policy and has existing pedestrian access, an established tree network, proximity to the existing car park and minimal disturbance to existing reserve usage.

The landscape design team will consult the community with a schematic design for input and feedback prior to construction.
