Narre Warren families would soon be able to access services supporting children to maintain their relationship with their separated parents and family
members in a safe, supportive and child-focused environment, thanks to the launch of the Children’s Contact Service.
Aided by funding from the Collier Foundation and the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions’ Living Local Team, family and relationships provider Better Place Australia would provide the Children’s Contact Service out of its Narre Warren centre.
Representing Child Protection and Family Services Minister Lizzie Blandthorn, Narre Warren North MP Belinda Wilson spoke to attendees from a range of areas across family law and court services, the Attorney-General’s department, family law support service and community providers during the launch event on Thursday, April 27.
Better Place Australia Children’s Contact Service manager Helen Skinner said the service would aim to help children through the challenges and shifts which come with separation.
“When families go through separation or experience complex parenting arrangements, it is a stressful situation for all involved,” she said.
“Children are particularly vulnerable to the sudden changes that separation brings, and this is where our service comes in.
“The service and space are designed around the needs of children: children of all abilities, including children with disability, and those from diverse cultures.”
Uncle Steve Uluru Parker led the smoking ceremony and Welcome to Country and spoke about what the land represented to his people and how the ceremony represented the spirit of reconciliation, with attendees invited to circle the cleansing smoke.
After speeches, attendees were invited to leave their handprints on part of the Indigenous artwork painted by Uncle Parker.
Centre for Better Relationships senior research officer Dr Rachel Bonnici said the service would employ an ongoing service development technique to contribute to the wider body of knowledge about how children can be better supported during separation.
The service would provide a fun, safe and all-weather space where children can have supported and supervised visits and facilitated changeovers with their parents and other family members, with each family assessed initially for safety and risk to ensure standards are met.
With 35 years of experience in providing family meditation and counselling services at Better Place Australia, families who use the service would also be able to access a variety of wraparound services, including mental health support and parenting programs.
The centre would also be available for booking by other agencies which may benefit from the support provided by its child-centric and fully equipped facilities.
Better Place Australia chief executive Serge Sardo said they were committed to supporting families in the Narre Warren area and recognising family members often required extra help to prosper and adapt to changes.
“Many families do not have easy access to a Children’s Contact Centre in their area and waiting times mean they are left with little option but to wait or travel further to use a similar service,” he said.
“The Children’s Contact Service fills a gap in the area where families and caregivers now have access to vital family services under a single roof in their local area.”
Details: 1800 639 523 or betterplaceaustralia.com.au