Q&A… with Quarters Primary School principal Liz Davey

Quarters Primary School principal Liz Davey. 334682_07 Picture: GARY SISSONS

What do you love most about your job?

Seeing children aspire and being happy. Seeing children laughing and smiling makes your heart happy.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I would like to write a book and to take up photography as a hobby.

What classes did you teach before becoming principal?

I was an assistant principal, as well as working in student wellbeing, as a Languages Other Than English (Indonesian) teacher and as a classroom teacher.

What has been your most memorable moment?

In teaching, it is becoming principal. Personally, it is raising my three sons and watching them grow into amazing adults.

What event, past or present or future would you like to witness?

Another Collingwood premiership.

What subject did you enjoy at school?

Reading and writing.

If you had to compete on Masterchef, what dish would you cook?

Something Italian or Asian inspired.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

Anywhere with a beach in a tropical location.

What encouraged you to become a teacher?

The thought of helping students learn and grow. I really enjoy being in the company of children – they can provide unbiased and sweet insight and advice.

What were you like as a kid?

Studious and quiet.

Did you always want to become a teacher or was there another career you considered?

Teaching was always a goal, but I also considered sports journalism.