Q&A with Cranbourne Justice of the Peace Lloma Shaw

Lloma has been a practicing JP for nearly 20 years. Picture: SUPPLIED

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I have been to every continent including the Arctic and Antarctic and through the Panama Canal eight times.

What do you love the most about your job.

Can volunteering be considered a job?

As a retiree, former manager with the Education Department and CEO of a large disability organisation I enjoy meeting people and supporting my community as a Justice of the Peace, Secretary of the Cranbourne Rotary Club, President of the Balla Balla Committee of Management and Board member of the ACE (Aiding Casey Education).

I enjoy learning new things and keeping the brain busy.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

A dog.

My dog, who is nearly 16 years, enjoys the lap of luxury with all the love and care she deserves.

And she knows it!

What would your last meal be?

Freshly caught fish that has been cooked on the open fire in the wilderness.

What was your most memorable moment?

Sitting on a rock in the Antarctic with a penguin asleep on my foot, looking at this amazing vista of sea and land life, with blue waters and huge icebergs.

I would love to revisit and see it again I would recommend you put it on the bucket list.

What were you like as a kid?

Sometimes too adventurous and always independent.

One teacher wrote on my report, a natural leader.

I have always loved learning and enjoyed working with children and adults with their learning.

I hope to be 96 years of age and still have the capacity to learn new things.

What event, past or present, would you like to witness?

Just as Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928 I would love to be around when someone discovers a cure for cancer.

Which six dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

My family and friends of course, however for amazing conversation I would have: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Caroline Chisholm, Amelia Earhart, and Emmeline Pankhurst.

What are you currently listening to/watching or reading?

I‘m reading the Remarkable Mrs Reibey by Grantlee Kieza, which is about a convict who became Australia’s richest businesswoman.

I always have a book on the go and even though I use my E-Reader I still love reading an actual book.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

I think they would say independent, organised and loyal, but I do not suffer fools too well.

Where is your happy place?

My happy place is sitting or walking through pristine nature on my own, listening to the sounds of natural beauty, or sitting beside a river with a good book and a good glass of wine.

If you had to compete on Masterchef, what dish would you cook?

Certainly not in the league of Masterchef, a but I do make a mean roast rack of lamb with roast vegetables.

I love to come back to Australia for the best lamb in the world.

What is your dream holiday destination?

I have travelled the world extensively on cargo ships, oil tankers, trains, planes and expedition ships, and seen some amazing places, but my dream holiday is now enjoying Australia as it has such a diverse geology and climate.

In fact, I am off to explore the west coast of Australia in August on another expedition.

There is so much to see and hopefully I can continue to do all the travel that I want.