Students show off crazy and creative styles

Charlotte and Chloe. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS 348600_03

Students were excited to celebrate “Crazy Hair and Sock Day” last week at Tooradin Primary School.

“I love Crazy Hair Day because I get to eat lollies out of my hair,“ Tooradin PS student Josh said.

Students, staff and parents came up with amazing hair creations to impress and astound.

“I like it because we get to see everyone’s different hair and what they come up with from home,“ Tooradin PS student Paige said.

There were many interesting hair displays, including cupcake buns, beach themed waves and mermaid tails, balloons ready to float hair up and away, garden landscapes complete with resident insects, lego structures, Eiffel Towers, braids, birds nests, ice cream cones and much, much more.

“Everyone got to do their hair in the way they wanted and everyone looked different,“ Tooradin PS student Evie said.

The hair sculptures made use of pipe cleaners, cups, sparkles, coloured hair spray, fake eyeballs and a great deal of time and creative expression.

“There is such an excited energy around the school on Crazy Hair Day and everyone puts in such a fantastic effort getting involved,“ Tooradin PS Teacher Rosie Scott said.

This year the school welcomed the inclusion of Crazy Socks to support students to be involved in a way that they feel comfortable with there was certainly a most amazing array of extraordinary socks on display.

“This is a much anticipated day across the school and a wonderful celebration of diversity and imagination for everyone involved,“ Assistant Principal Rachel Davis said.

“As the day comes to a close we all begin to wonder ’What will next years creations look like?’“