Brave firefighters acknowledged

Pearcedale brigade members were among the National Emergency Medal recipients. Pictures: SUPPLIED

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) has celebrated the recognition of the efforts of about 300 volunteer firefighters and staff members during the 2019-2020 Australian bushfire crisis.

At a ceremony on Saturday 12 August at Berwick Church of Christ in Berwick, firefighters from across Victoria’s South East in CFA’s District 8, including Cardinia and Casey, received the National Emergency Medal, which recognises significant or sustained service to others in a nationally significant Australian emergency.

Deputy Chief Officer Trevor Owen presented the medals and said they were an important recognition of the valiant efforts of CFA members.

“The National Emergency Medal is a formal recognition that Australia appreciates the efforts and contributions of CFA members during the 2019-2020 bushfire crisis,” he said.

“It is a great honour to receive this medal and I hope it goes a small way to thanking our members for their service.”

Deputy Chief Officer Owen said he was proud of all CFA members’ efforts.

“As firefighters, we save lives, homes and our precious environment,” he said.

“There is no greater sacrifice than putting your life on the line to save and help another.

“As volunteer firefighters, we respond 24/7, 365 days of the year because we choose to.

“We’re ordinary people doing extraordinary things in the service and protection of others.”

Nar Nar Goon brigade secretary and brigade safety co-ordinator Kylie Shanks was among the recipients and said being a recipient of an National Emergency Medal was a great honour.

“When we volunteer, we make the choice to support our communities in all situations,” she said.

“We are not after recognition; we just want to support our communities during their most vulnerable times.”