Cheery competitors strut their stuff

Ella and Maddie from Starstruck Dance and Cheerleading Academy Pakenham. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS 354991_08

The best cheerleading and dancing talent across Victoria came together to show off their skills at Casey Stadium last week, as part of the CheerCon Victorian State Championships.

From Friday 18 August to Sunday 20 August, 2900 athletes and 4000 spectators from across the state filled out Casey Stadium

CheerCon was held at Casey Stadium last year for the first time in its history, pulling in 6500 participants and spectators over three days of competition.

City of Casey then secured the venue for the 2023, 2024, and 2025 events.

Starstruck Dance and Cheerleading Academy Pakenham principal Jessica Zula said about 400 competition athletes from three years of age up to mother’s in their 50s competed across a total of 70 routines.

“We had a really great day,” she said.

“The kids dis really well.”

Casey Stadium manager Josh Sadler said the event was becoming a key feature of the venue’s annual offerings.

“CheerCon stands as a highlight on our event calendar, where we come together to celebrate the exceptional athleticism and camaraderie of the cheerleading and dance communities,” he said.

CheerCon director Danielle Jimenez said the event was an “amazing” showcase of Victoria’s cheerleading and dance skills.

“It was a really good event,” she said.

Mrs Jimenez said cheerleading had increased in popularity post-COVID as a beneficial social and physical activity for people of all ages.

“It is a team sport that allows for people of all sizes, abilities and genders,” she said.

“No matter who you are, you can compete in cheerleading.”

CheerCon director Alexander Jimenez said the event would not be possible without the support from Casey Council, YMCA Victoria and the Casey Stadium team.

“CheerCon attracts participants and families to celebrate the best cheerleading and dance teams from across Victoria,” he said.