Casey’s Connected Libraries branches will soon be covered in all colours of the rainbow as part of the yarn bombing Crochet for a Cause event.
Brought to life on World Elder Awareness Abuse Day on June 15 by bringing community members together to learn how to crochet while discussing and recognising the signs of elder abuse, the Crochet for a Cause event will see the installations pop up at branches across Casey as part of an Ageing Positively initiative and as part of the Winter Arts Festival.
The works are the result of the collective effort of Casey’s communities, with knitters crafting more than 500 intricately knitted squares and adorning the trees at Cranbourne library.
Casey Council administrators chair Noelene Duff PSM said the yarn bombing event serves as a reminder of the community’s interconnectedness and commitment to safeguarding it’s vulnerable members.
“Unfortunately, elder abuse a form of family violence is on the rise in Victoria, with a reported 25 per cent increase in criminal incidents against individuals aged 55 and over in the past 12 months,” she said.
“However, these reported figures likely represent only a portion of actual cases, as studies indicate that older communities are less likely to seek help or report incidents.”
Installations are soon to be completed at Endeavour Hills and Hampton Park Connected Libraries, expanding the reach of the initiative.