Supporting new infrastructure projects in Casey

Picture: GENERIC

The latest round of the State Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund is now open for infrastructure projects across Melbourne’s fastest-growing suburbs, including in Casey.

This round of the Growing Suburbs Fund is focused on supporting critical community infrastructure needs in the fastest growing suburbs within Melbourne’s 10 interface councils: Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Mitchell, Mornington Peninsula, Nillumbik, Whittlesea, Wyndham and Yarra Ranges.

These interface councils are located on the fringes of metropolitan Melbourne and comprise more than 23 per cent of Victoria’s population, the government said.

For the past two decades, population growth in these areas exceeded the state’s average and this trend is expected to continue.

Projects which directly benefit local communities will be prioritised under the new round, including multi-purpose facilities, early education and learning facilities, sport and recreation facilities or projects which increase the amenity of open spaces.

The Growing Suburbs Fund also provides an opportunity for the State Government and local governments to partner with First Nations organisations to collaborate on projects which connect people to Country and to culture.

Suburban Development Minister Ros Spence said the new infrastructure will support the state’s fastest growing suburbs to prosper.

“This new round of the Growing Suburbs Fund will help fast-track the delivery of important community infrastructure,” she said

Since 2015, the Growing Suburbs Fund has invested $425 million into vital local infrastructure projects in Victoria’s fastest growing suburbs.

Applications close on Friday 20 October.

For more information on the latest round of the Growing Suburbs Fund, visit