Treasures and trinkets galore

Coosje Dubach with a English Pelham puppet. 362483 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

From retro goods to antique treasures and the weird and wonderful in between, keen collectors from far and wide are encouraged to come check out the wares on offer at this year’s Berwick Antique and Collectables Fair.

Now in its sixth year, the fair is moving for the first time to the Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre at 10 Raymond McMahon Boulevard in Endeavour Hills, running from 9am to 4pm on Sunday 8 October.

Organisers Coosje and John Dubach said they are excited to welcome people from across the South East, with more than 40 stallholders selling a wide variety of collectables and antiques, including jewellery, vinyl records and more.

“There’s a bit for everyone,” Coosje said.

“It’s a good opportunity to get some unique gifts.

“You also give people the pleasure of reminiscing.”

All proceeds from the event will go towards Riding for the Disabled Myuna Farm.

“I’ve been volunteering with them for 22 years,” Coosje said.

The event will also include a barbecue and Devonshire tea.

John said the changes in the economy had meant older buyers are dwindling, while younger people’s interests are increasing.

“What struck us is that the audience is changing,” he said.

For more information, contact Coosje on 0432 869 215 or