Young leader set for once-in-a-lifetime trip

The Berwick Country Women’s Association branch has started to support the local community after reopening recently, with the branch recently awarding a $500 scholarship to allow local youth representative Felicity attend the Essex International Jamboree next July, only one of 24 youth representatives from across the country to be selected.

Branch president Kate Azzopardi said the experience would be invaluable for Felicity.

“From this amazing opportunity, she will develop valuable life skills of learning, empowering, leadership and huge personal growth – many things that school can’t teach our youth today,” she said.

“Felicity is also holding a Bunnings barbecue at Clyde Bunnings on Saturday October 28 and a Bookfest on Saturday 18 November at the Guide Hall in Berwick.”

So get down to these locations and support this young lady.

Ms Azzopardi said she was looking forward to connecting and supporting the local community.

“With the reopening of the Berwick Branch, my committee and I are committed to working with our members organising activities for fundraising purposes to support those who will benefit the most in our community,” she said.

“I have organised a Wine & Cheese Event that will be fundraising to support our Christmas Hamper venture.

“100 per cent of the profit made from this event will go back to the community.”

The wine and cheese event will be held from 7pm to 9pm on Friday October 27 at Timbarra Hall in Berwick, with tickets available at $20 a head or $35 for a couple.

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