Reaching for radio stardom

Twenty-one-year-old Sam Valavanis is hoping to make a name for himself in radio. Picture: SUPPLIED

Berwick’s Sam Valavanis has discovered a love for radio presenting after completing an Audio Ability radio broadcasting course with the Community Media Training Organisation.

Having had both eyes surgically removed in early childhood due to a rare eye cancer, the 21-year-old is now cancer free and enjoying learning how to find his way around Melbourne.

As part of the radio broadcasting course, Mr Valavanis learnt broadcasting skills and gained work experience in a radio station, supported by a mentor with industry experience.

“I’d love to be a presenter on a prime-time program for one of the major commercial stations,” he said.

“A lot of people I’ve spoken to have said they see me as someone in radio.”

Mr Valavanis’ capacity to pursue his career goals have been made possible with support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), with his plan focusing on his orientation and mobility, building Sam’s capacity and confidence to leave home and travel by himself.

“I love public transport,” he said.

“So I’ve been learning how to use trains, trams and buses independently.

“I have also learned to use apps that help me get around, and how to ask people for help if I need it.

“I’m looking to learn how to use taxis and Ubers on my own.”

Mr Valavanis said the ability to travel by himself has seen a dramatic improvement in his independence.

“I’m very confident now to travel on my own,” he said.

“Only two or three years ago, I wouldn’t have been so confident to get on public transport.

“Now, thanks to the orientation and mobility instructor, I can travel independently and go to the city.

“My parents would never have imagined me doing that before, but now I do it by myself.”

Mr Valavanis’ NDIS-funded occupational therapy assessed his needs, identified the assistive technologies which would help and then taught him how to use those devices, which are also funded through his NDIS plan.

“I use a braille tablet to get on the internet, create Word documents and send emails, and communicate online in the same way other people would when they use a smart phone or computer,” he said.

“I also use a navigation device with GPS to help me when I’m travelling.

“The NDIS has definitely made a huge difference in my life.

“I don’t know where I would be today without it, the assistive pathways it has provided, and the people that have come into my life because of it.”