Staying active through dance

Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club committee member Gloria Slavko strutted her stuff on the dancefloor. 368787 Pictures: MATTHEW SIMS

Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club members tripped the light fantastic as part of its regular Twinkletoes line dancing event.

As part of Casey Council’s Ageing Positively Festival, the club transformed the Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House into a dancefloor on Thursday 19 October, with their regular Sequence Line Dancing Social Afternoon held each Thursday from 2pm.

Committee member Gloria Slavko said the dancing was part of the club’s varied activities, including a coffee at Little Sparrow at the Fountain Gate Shopping Centre each Wednesday from 10am, as well as coach or plane trips, including a trip to Tasmania scheduled for next March.

“We encourage members to be active for their mind, body and soul,” she said.

Founded in 1996, the club’s activities also included monthly Saturday country pub lunches, monthly evening dinners, a weekly table tennis club, walking groups and seasonal daytime musical theatre outings.

For more information, contact Gloria on 0468 363 616 or visit