Treat for toy testers

Eight-year-old Berwick resident Henry (second from left) joined brothers Thomas and Samuel and his mum Jade to look through some of the country's hottest toys. Pictures: SUPPLIED

By Matthew Sims

At only four years old, Berwick resident Henry was diagnosed with Stage 5 Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumour) a malignant tumour originating in the cells of the kidney.

His mum Jade said his diagnosis left the family devastated, with the first sign that something was wrong being when Henry had a sore and bloated tummy.

“We never imagined cancer,” she said.

“It’s an insidious disease.

“We were overcome by fear.”

Henry was admitted to hospital to start 12 weeks of chemotherapy before doctors could operate, then enduring a nine-hour lifesaving operation to remove the tumours and parts of his kidneys.

After his surgery, he underwent three weeks of radiotherapy with daily general anaesthetics, followed by 34 gruelling weeks of chemotherapy.

The repeated painful procedures coupled with the side effects of nausea, vomiting and fatigue were very difficult for Henry and his family.

To add to the family’s distress, Henry was in hospital during one of Victoria’s strictest lockdown periods.

With two younger children, three-year-old Thomas and baby Samuel, to care for at home, Jade said she and Dad Adam felt torn in two.

“The restrictions that allowed only one parent to visit at any one time made for a very difficult and lonely introduction to life as an oncology patient,” she said.

When undergoing treatment, Captain Starlight from the Starlight Children’s Foundation helped Henry feel more positive about hospital, and was a welcome distraction for him and his brothers.

“Starlight brings happiness and sparkle to an otherwise scary experience,” Jade said.

“They provide fun and distraction for kids which helps pave the way for better coping with treatment.”

Now eight years old, Henry has been selected as one of Amazon Australia’s toy-testers as part of the Playmakers initiative, with the seven Playmakers sent a selection of the top 100 toys to test and review to help Australians with their holiday gift buying ahead of the Black Friday sales.

Henry said he was excited to be named as one of the participating Playmakers.

“The toys are so fun,” he said.

“I get to test the toys, make sure they work and that they’re good for other kids.

“My favourite toy is the waterslide, I can’t wait to use it in the warmer weather.”

To spread the holiday cheer, the Playmakers will also join with superstar Johnny Ruffo and a soon-to-be revealed Aussie singer-songwriter to star in a music video, recording a cover of a Christmas classic to help spread cheer and raise additional funds for Starlight Children’s Foundation.

For more information about the Starlight Children’s Foundation, visit