School unveils new values

Kilberry Valley teaching staff and students posing with their CARES t-shirts. Pictures: SUPPLIED

Hampton Park’s Kilberry Valley Primary School launched their new school Values Day on Friday 17 November.

The new values fall under the acronym CARES, which stands for cooperation, acceptance, respect, engagement and safety.

Sally Newport, leading wellbeing teacher for the Hampton Park school said that the values were a group effort.

“They were decided with input from the whole school community, including students, staff and families,” Ms Newport said.

During the day, students decorated t-shirts that displayed the school values, participating in activities that dived deeper on the meaning of each value.

“Our new school values will underpin everything we do at Kilberry Valley, the way we work, learn, play and communicate,” Ms Newport said.

The day ended with a whole school assembly and a parade, where students and teachers alike proudly displayed their shirts.