Beaconsfield teacher faces child sex abuse charges

Dandenong Magistrates' Court. 244718_11

By Corey Everitt

A former Beaconsfield teacher facing charges related to child sexual abuse appeared in court last week with the matter being considered for a higher court hearing.

Nicholas O’Shea fronted the Dandenong Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 8 February.

The prosecution submitted the matter to a filing hearing for the matter to be ‘uplifted’ due to the seriousness of the matter.

The court heard that nine complainants make up the charges, the prosecution made note that some family of the complainants were in the courtroom that day.

It was agreed that due to the ‘complexity of this brief’ and the ‘nature of the charges’ merited the matter to be adjourned until a filing hearing.

Magistrate Nunzio La Rosa agreed with the submission and the matter was adjourned for a filing hearing at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday 16 February.