Battin office to open

Berwick MP Brad Battin. Picture: ON FILE 308354_01

Brad Battin is set for his office as Member for Berwick to be finally open after over a year with out a central location in his own electorate.

Mr Battin announced he and his electoral team is set to move into their new office on Wheelers Street, Berwick on Thursday and Friday this week with the official opening of the office Monday 25 March.

He has been without an office for over a year ever since he nominated for the Berwick electorate after his Officer office was vacated after the Gembrook electorate was abolished.

In that time, Mr Battin has been hopping between local businesses in a mobile office, the process to get a permanent office conducted by Parliamentary offices took more than a year with fustrations and disputes shared with the legislative assembly and beyond as Berwick constituents had no easy way to find their local MP in person.

The office will open on 9am Monday, the address is Shop 2, 4-6 Wheelers Street, Berwick, just off High Street.