Girls sweep through neighbourhood

The Narre Warren Girls' Brigade heading out for cleaning and collection. Picture: SUPPLIED.

By Ethan Benedicto

The Narre Warren Girls’ Brigade took to the streets on Thursday 7 March in support of Clean Up Australia Day.

Conflicting schedules for the actual nationwide event on 3 March didn’t stop the girls from helping their local community, as they donned bags and gloves for a night of collection.

Rachel Doucas, one of the Narre Warren brigade’s senior leaders said that they are always looking “for any opportunities to contribute to our community”.

“We do it whenever we can and we’re thankful for a chance like this and be able to get the girls involved in something as well,” she said.

The night took place surrounding the neighbouring area around Narre Warren Baptist Church and went on for around 45 minutes before the girls returned.

“We went for a walk around the streets near our company, and from there the girls got down to business and picked up some trash.

“They came back and they were given a certificate that said they participated in the event, and a zooper dooper each as a prize as well,” Ms Doucas said.

The event’s contribution to the Girls’ Brigade’s overall mission of bringing themselves closer to God and caring for the environment was also achieved according to Ms Doucas.

“It’s good for the girls to get out there, to be part of something bigger outside their normal company.

“To teach them to be good stewards and to be more aware of pollution and ensuring that they’re not littering,” she said.

With over four bags of rubbish collected in just under an hour, the girls are still keeping an eye out for more opportunities for local activities.

The Girls’ Brigade participates in Clean Up Australia Day annually, and with this year’s event going smoothly, there is no doubt the tradition will be around for some time.