Clyde Eid Chand Raat brightens the night

A big crowd showed up. Picture: Supplied

A second Eid Chand Raat held by small business Mannat’s Collection hit Clyde on Tuesday 9 April, following its successful leg in Dandenong.

More than 500 people attended the night.

The night started very busy as women, children, and families started to pour into the building to browse through the variety of dress stalls.

Girls and women came to get their henna done by the henna artists on the night.

“This is the best thing about Chand Raat festival. People can walk in and find everything they need to get ready for their Eid under one roof,” the business owner and organiser Galsum Foladi said.

“Another great benefit is that it’s a chance for the community to get together, socialise, smile, and spread laughter.

“Some families attended the event telling us they were new residents of Clyde moving from Tarneit, as it’s a developing suburb, and they absolutely enjoyed and loved their experience.

“We had mouth-watering delicious snacks and food such as gol gappay, chicken rolls, samosas, karak chai, chaat and so much more that everyone was able to enjoy after feeling tired from all the walking and shopping.”

Ms Foladi said overall it was a great vibe.

“It was absolutely buzzing,” she said.

“It was so busy that towards our pack-up time, we had to ask everyone to leave so we could pack up, and even then, some stayed behind.

“For next year we definitely plan to hold another event in the same place, but we plan to extend the hours longer until 12am.”