New schools underway for Clyde North

Construction image of the Clyde North Secondary School (interim name). Picture: Supplied

Construction to deliver two new Victorian Government schools within Clyde North’s Berwick Waters community has commenced.

The yet-to-be-named primary school and secondary school are due to open for Term One next year.

The interim school names will soon be updated with First Nations names, with the naming process already underway in close consultation with Traditional Owner groups. The community will be invited to help choose the two school names via the Engage Victoria website.

Clyde North Primary School (interim name), on Macumba Drive, will offer places for up to 900 students when the school is complete and will accept enrolments from Prep to Grade 6.

Kristy Miller, an educator with over 15 years of experience and a commitment to student development, has been named the school’s principal.

Clyde North Secondary School (interim name), on Soldiers Road, will be able to accommodate up to 800 students on completion of the first stage of the school.

It will accept only Grade 7 students in its first year of operation, progressing by year level thereafter.

Leanne Winfield has been announced as the school’s principal.

With a career spanning 30 years, Leanne is passionate about reading, writing, literacy, and teacher development.

School facilities will include an administration building, community hub, and learning neighbourhoods, as well as hardcourts, a carpark, and a sports field.

Hutchinson Builders have been appointed to construct the schools.

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