Balla Balla Community Centre
Balla Balla Community Centre in Clyde North has a wide range of activities coming up in July, from meditation to citizenship test training and yoga.
Citizenship Test Training: Do you want to take the Australian Citizenship Test?
This 9-week course will help you to start getting ready to do this. The course will help you understand Australian culture, history, laws, and your rights and responsibilities
as Australian Citizens. This course will cover all the topics that are part of
the test. Wednesdays starting 24th July 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Meditation: Mindfulness Mediation – Connecting and transforming Relationship with Self, Other and the Living World. Suitable for all including Beginners. Monday starting 29th July for 6 weeks
Women in the Workplace – This 4 week program is designed for women of all cultural backgrounds, including those newly arrived in Australia. Are you returning to the workplace, or wanting to plan your career pathway or
need to build your self-confidence to apply for jobs? Topics will include: Interview to succeed, Defining Career Goals, Building Confidence, Resilience, Budgets, Motivation and much more.
Wednesdays starting 7th August 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Playgroups – enrol into weekly Playgroup for craft, singing, sensory play, story time and more led by Early Learning Educators. Playgroup sessions are held Wednesdays and Thursdays and fill fast. Balla Balla Bubs Playgroup for 0-12 months is available on Wednesdays.
Pilates (mat) – Improve your posture, increase your core strength, improve your flexibility and mobility. Day and Night classes available.
Yoga – Experience gentle exercises, breath mastery and meditation, lower your blood pressure, boost your posture, enhance circulation, and embrace the journey to improved well-being. Late afternoon and Evening classes available.
Woodworking Display and Expo
The Berwick District Woodworkers Club is hosting its annual open weekend and expo in July at the clubrooms at the Old Cheese Factory at 34 Homestead Road in Berwick.
The dates are:
Friday 12 July – 5pm to 8pm
Saturday 13 July – 9am to 5pm
Sunday 14 July 9am to 5pm
The free event will include demonstrations of woodturning, band sawing, scroll sawing, Dremel toy making, routing, pyrography and wood carving.
Various members produced by members are on display with a selection of items for sale.
For more information, contact John McMahon on 0437 096 840 or bdwwcsec@outlook.com
Berwick Artists Society Art Show
Meet our artists and their art, enjoy free drinks and nibbles.
24 June – 13 July, Cranbourne Library, Casey Complex, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road. The exhibition can be viewed during the library’s open hours.
Cranbourne U3A Relocation
Cranbourne U3A will be relocating to new rooms from the commencement of Term 3 in July.
We are moving to the kindergarten building at 20 – 22 Bowen Street, Cranbourne.
This building is being refurbished at the moment to suit our needs. We will be moving in there in early July. New members will be made welcome at our new rooms. There are lovely windows facing out to a well-maintained garden area where we can enjoy lunch or a coffee on a nice day.
Please check our website for more details.
Blind Bight Community Centre Programs
TurnStyle returns on 20 July to keep us warm during winter. Mark and Steve will play classic rock and chart favourites, interacting and entertaining you all night. $20 per person, BYO drinks and nibbles, doors open 7.30pm. Bookings can now be made via the website above.
Bookings can be made via the website at www.blindbightcommunitycentre.com.au
ASRC Foodbank @ RRH Dandenong Food Drive
Food drive supporting people seeking asylum
Saturday 27 July: 10 am to 2 pm
Please help us make a difference in the community! ASRC Foodbank @ RRH Dandenong is hosting a food drive on Saturday, July 27th, from 10 am to 2 pm. We provide food to people seeking asylum who do not receive government support. We would love your donations of basmati rice, canned veggies (corn, peas, carrot and tomato), tuna in oil, coconut cream/milk, olive oil, biscuits, razors and deodorant, jam/honey/peanut butter.
The drop-off location is at the rear of 205 Thomas St, Dandenong (enter via the Oldham Lane car park).
For more information, please contact Kate Quin at kate.q@asrc.org.au. Your generosity will make a real difference! Thank you!
Berwick Neighbourhood Centre Open Day
If you would like to view our rooms and meet our wonderful educators at our little centre, please feel free to attend our Open Day on Saturday 27 July 2024 from 9.30am to 11am at 112 High Street, Berwick. We offer 3-year-old Play & Grow for children turning 3 by the end of April in the year they enrol and childcare for children aged 15 months to 4 years. We have shorter sessions being either 5 hours in Play & Grow or a 3- or 5-hour session in childcare. If you qualify for the childcare subsidy, we can apply it to your fees. Please note that these sessions are very popular, and we have very limited spots left for 2025 – our Bush Adventures that we offer is already full and a waiting list now applies, so don’t delay in enrolling your child if you would like a spot for 2025. For more information visit berwickneighbourhoodcentre.com or contact the centre’s Timbarra office on 0397041863.
Combined Probus Club of Narre Warren.
Our club welcomes men and women to join us in getting together for fun and interesting activities. We have bowling, armchair travel, book clubs, walk and talk, happy snappers and cards. Our eager activities co-ordinator has organised an evening on the Melbourne Tramboat, a “Spring in the Riverland’ holiday and much more. At our monthly dine-outs and happy hour in local restaurants we enjoy good food and good company. We’d love you to join us too!!
Enquiries please email Heather at hsims14@gmail.com.
Scrabble Club
Berwick Activities Club is started a Scrabble Club recently and it runs every Friday from 1pm to 3.30pm.
It will be both competitive and social on a one-to-one basis.
Come along to learn how to play or improve your game.
Word lists and more will be available to increase your skills.
Contact David on 0433 566 456.
New Vogue dancing
If you love dancing and would like to learn New Vogue, Berwick Activities Club is offering a short seven-week course for beginners.
The course is held over one-hour classes each Friday, commencing on Friday 5 July at 7pm in the Timbarra Community Centre.
Dancing is a great way to make new friends and at the completion of the course you may join the weekly dance held on Thursday evenings.
Booking is essential as numbers are limited.
For more information, contact Bruce on 0447 554 475.
Berwick Springs VIEW Club
Affiliated with The Smith Family, the Berwick Springs VIEW Club is a not-for-profit organisation, with the aim to fundraise to support Learning for Life students.
The club currently supports 10 students of varying ages with their education expenses.
The club meets on the first Monday of each month in the Berwick Springs Hotel function room from 11.15am, where members enjoy a lunch and then host a guest speaker.
Throughout the year, the club has a couple of special fundraisers, as well as casual morning tea and lunch for interested ladies.
The club is always looking for new members in all age groups.
For more information, contact Shirley on 0438 191 759 or email berwicksprings.viewclub@gmail.com
Probus Club of Casey Combined
We are hoping to attract new members to our Probus Club of Casey Combined. We are hoping there are retirees out there who would be interested in joining our Club. Meetings finish at noon when many of our members assemble for lunch at one of our local cafes. After morning tea we have an interesting guest speaker. Our Club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Berwick to provide the opportunity to meet and mingle with other retirees. Open to singles.
We meet at the Old Cheese Factory, 34 Homestead Road, Berwick at 9.45am on the second Tuesday of each month.
BADFolk Club
Berwick and District Folkclub have been meeting at the Old Cheese Factory in Berwick for the past 21 years! We meet on the third Friday of each month. This month we welcome back Maria Forde – she is a classic folk singer and has written some great songs like ’Will You Dance with Me’ which is often played at weddings. We also welcome spot acts – anyone who can play an instrument, sing, share a poem etc. Please note our earlier running times: Doors now open 6:30 and the music runs 7-10pm. Our kitchen sells snack food and a variety of drinks – tea/coffee/wine/beer/soft drinks. Entry: $15. Website: badfolkclub.org Contact: Edward: 0418 535 264.
Meet on the third Friday of each month.
Craft Classes
Do you enjoy craft making?
Join Berwick Activities Group’s Elizabeth to discover the world of papercraft and have a chat with like-minded people.
You will be introduced to a range of papercraft techniques through a new project each week.
Casual attendance is welcome.
Timbarra Community Centre 20-26 Parkhill Drive, Timbarra Way, Berwick
$5 per class, all materials supplied.
Contact admin@berwicknc.com.au or phone 9704 1863.
Tuesdays from 10am to noon.
Narre Warren Senior Citizens Centre
If you are over 55 years old, newly retired, or new to the Casey area and looking for something to do, come and join us.
Narre Warren Seniors is a friendly Club and we can offer you many activities. Our main Club day is on Wednesdays from 9.30am to 3pm. On the first Wednesday of the month we enjoy socialising with our members and, on the next three (3) Wednesdays we have live entertainment wherein you can do some line-dancing if you wish and enjoy an afternoon cup of tea.
There are also weekly activities on other days of the week, which include the Garden Group Club, Indoor Carpet Bowls, Line Dancing, Table Tennis, friendly Card games, and a Gentle Exercise class.
We are located at 192-196 Centre Road near the Narre Warren Station. Phone us at 9704 0015 or 0426 736 467 or email us at: narrewarrenseniors@gmail.com for more information
Mental Health Peer Support Program Cranbourne Group – Free
The program is based on a 12-step program of personal growth, mutual help, and support.
Participants share challenges and solutions in a supportive and structured peer-to-peer format within a confidential, caring, and sharing community.
The meetings are weekly and go for about two hours. 10.30am to 12.30pm Thursday, excluding school holidays, 7/9 Selandra Boulevard (Balla Balla Community Centre), Clyde North. For any enquires contact Grow Victoria on 9528 2977/1800 558 268.
Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club
Are you newly retired or new to the area or just wanting to enjoy your freedom or expand your social life?
Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club can offer you stimulating activities such as weekly social/chat activities with low-key in line dancing if you want to tap your feet and enjoy an afternoon tea.
Day, short and long trips away via coach and flights, a weekly morning coffee club, monthly Saturday country pub lunches, monthly evening dineouts, weekly table tennis club, walking groups, seasonal daytime musical theatre outings, and more.
Come along and get to know us by visiting us on a Thursday at 2pm at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House or join us on a Wednesday at 10am for a Coffee at Little Sparrow Fountain Gate. For more information, contact enquiry officer Gloria on 0468 363 616.
Cranbourne U3A
Make the most of your retirement! Tutors available to teach art using various mediums. A variety of crafts including knitting, patchwork and sewing, beginners card making, and calligraphy.
Chess, resin making, Italian and table tennis groups welcome you. Would you like to play the Ukelele, or just singalong for fun? We can help.
If you would like to tutor a class, contact us with details of your talents, we welcome new opportunities.
Our rooms are in the Cranbourne Library building, enter through the Casey Radio entrance.
Expand your social life and get active for a healthy third age in your retirement. For more information visit: www.u3acranbourne.org.au . or call the office on 5995 0311 for more information.
Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre
Located in Cranbourne North, it has vacancies in the following classes, learn to speak, read, and write in English – all levels, Monday to Thursday; Early Childhood Education classes – four hours on a Friday, government-funded, great to do before enrolling in a Certificate class; Computer classes every Wednesday morning and afternoon and in Hazaragi Wednesday evenings; Crochet and chat every Wednesday morning with a crochet teacher for free.
Enrol now for our funded three and four-year-old Kinder Program with sessions up to five days a week. 9.30am to 2.30pm every day with structured play.
Seated Movement Sessions (Chair Dancing)
Would you enjoy exercising from the comfort of your chair?
Join the Berwick Activities Group for some seated movement sessions including fun and uplifting songs and different styles and eras of music. An opportunity to get moving and enjoy the company of others.
Timbarra Community Centre, 20-26 Parkhill Drive, Timbarra Way, Berwick. $8 per session.
Contact admin@berwicknc.com.au or phone 9704 1863.
Wednesdays from 10.45am to 11.30am.
DnD at Orana
Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) is an inclusive tabletop, fantasy, role playing game.
Participants work together with other players to go on adventures in the DnD world.
You can act, explore, instigate, solve problems, and tell stories as you bring their chosen character to life within the game world.
Second Saturday of each month, 1pm to 9pm, Orana Community Place, 16/18 Playwright St, Clyde North.
For enquiries and to book a spot at the table, reach out to Jonathan Whelan at thestoryweaver.dnd@gmail.com
Weekly badminton
Badminton for ladies or retired.
All welcome.
Mondays 7pm-9pm and Wednesdays 12pm-2.30pm at Hallam Badminton Club, Frawley Road Recreation Reserve; $5.