Harry Dickson’s lasting legacy

Harry Bowen Dickson in the middle, with daughter Anne De Kok (right) and a close friend Anne Read (left) at his 105th birthday celebration. (Ethan Benedicto: 394720_01)

By Ethan Benedicto

Known for being honest, hard-working, and loving, Harry Bowen Dickson continues to be a celebrated member of the local community after his passing last week.

Having moved to Edrington Village, Berwick in 2004 with his wife, Mr Dickson, according to his youngest daughter Anne De Kok, would always be remembered as a man who “loved his family”.

“Being with people that he loved, that’s what mattered to him, he was just a family man.

“He always taught us to be honest and work hard, you know, to treat people decently,” Mrs De Kok said.

These values are one of the many aspects of Mr Dickson’s legacy, traits instilled not only into his children but his grand and great-grandchildren as well.

However, his influence grew beyond that; well-liked amongst his many friends at Edrington, there was no question for Mrs De Kok that he too left a lasting impression that won’t easily be forgotten.

“I think he just loved being with people you know?” she said.

“He enjoyed his life there, he would help people out whenever he could; if there was anyone in need, he would try and be there to help and support them.

“You know, he just treated everybody decently, and that was just the way he was.”

Having celebrated his 105 birthday on 6 March 2024, Mr Dickson was well past the centenarian milestone, a feat that is a call for celebration on its own.

While his strong will and long life may have come from his milkman career of being always on the move and outdoors, or through his birth where he was rubbed with lard and whiskey and then wrapped in cotton wool, it was being there for the family that kept him steadfast.

“He stayed strong for the family,” Mrs De Kok said.

“He was a loving husband, a loving father, a grandfather and a great grandfather; he was like that to his family and to everybody.”