Q&A with Paula Taylor

Paula Taylor (middle), with friends Carolyn (left) and Lex (right) from the Friends of Wilson Botanic Park Berwick. (Ethan Benedicto: 402076_01)

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

Paula means ’small or little’ and as I only reached a height of 149cm (4ft 10 and 3/4 inches) that’s a bit of a laugh, especially when my married name (which I never used!) was Short.

What do you love the most about volunteering with the Friends of Wilson Botanic Park?

Working alongside friendly, hardworking Friends and park staff who have positive attitudes and who are dedicated to the same goals.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

A currawong that nests in Wilson Botanic Park. How wonderful it would be to soar over such a beautiful space every day and greet the visitors with welcoming song?

What was your most memorable moment at the Park?

Seeing a flock of flame robins fly right across the path in front me as I walked past the Soroptimist’s directional marker. The brilliant flash of those bright little birds just took my breath away.

What were you like as a kid?

I was a bookworm who also liked exploring the outdoors.

What event, past or present, would you like to witness?

The landing of the Cranbourne meteorite at the end of the 1700s. It would have been spectacular.

Which six dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

Baron Ferdinand von Mueller (for a few words about blackberries) Thomas Austin (for a few words about rabbits) Ellis Rowan (fearless traveller and botanical artist) Dava Sobel and Deborah Cadbury (fabulous writers of science and social history) and William Barak (artist and admired fighter for his people).

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Reliable, helpful, but somewhat impatient

What would you do on your perfect ’day off’?

I’d pack a picnic lunch and spend the day with my son, his partner and my two adorable granddaughters at the games area of Wilson Park, kicking balls and flying Frisbees and kites followed by sipping chai latte from the Gather Cafe while the girls scoff strawberries as we rest on the picnic rug. Heaven!

Where is your happy place?

Basalt Lake Wilson Botanic Park

If you had to compete on MasterChef, what dish would you cook?

I’d partner up with Pam who organises the Friends’ morning teas and take orders from her. She is so efficient and has great ideas – we’d win for sure!

Where is your dream holiday destination?

Tenting in the Tanami desert or on any isolated coastal beach.