By Matthew Sims
On Monday 16 September, the Berwick Evening VIEW (voice, interests and education of women) Club celebrated the exciting milestone of serving the community for 30 years.
With a proud history of advocating for disadvantaged children, 56 past and present members came together to celebrate their special milestone.
Being the 30th Anniversary, the theme was pearls, with pearls being featured in the decorations, raffle prizes and each guest receiving a faux pearl brooch, signifying the ’pearls of friendship’ members find when joining a VIEW Club.
The Berwick Evening VIEW Club is currently sponsoring five children, from Prep right through to VCE and is considering sponsoring one or two new ones in the coming year.
Club president Wendy Scott said it was a momentous occasion to celebrate 30 years as a group and a chance to look back at the ways the group has given back to the community.
“Today is a celebration of not only the wonderful work we do to support The Smith Family, but a celebration of the friendships we have made as a result of being members of VIEW,“ she said.
VIEW was founded in 1960 and is a leading women’s organisation with over 15,000 members and 300 clubs across Australia, all joined by the common goal of supporting children in need, via education through The Smith Family.
Members accomplish this via community fundraising, spreading awareness and volunteering, and directly assist more than 1700 students through The Smith Family’s education and support programs.
The Smith Family make enormous changes to over 160,000 children each year through financial aid and mentoring programs.
Programs like Learning for Life and Learning Club play a vital role in helping children and their families, and the Berwick Evening VIEW Club is very proud to be part of that.
The evening club meets on the third Monday of the month at 6.30pm or the Berwick Springs Club meets on the first Monday of each month from 11.15am.
For more information on the evening club, contact Wendy on 0438 065 320 or berwick.evening.view@gmail.com or for more information on the Berwick Springs Club, contact Shirley on berwicksprings.viewclub@gmail.com or 0438 191 759.