Meet the Kalora Ward candidates

Melinda Ambros. (Supplied)


Suburbs: Lysterfield South, Endeavour Hills, Narre Warren North

Candidates: Zabi Mazoori, Duc Nguyen, Peterine Smulders, Damien Sawyer, Fred Jover, Brian Oates, Melinda Ambros, Jafri Katagara Luwanga, Afroz Ahmed

Please note that not all candidates have replied to the questionnaire, and as such, their responses will be published online only if they were to submit any future responses.

Zabi Mazoori

Suburb of residence: Endeavour Hills

How long have you lived in The City of Casey? Five years.

Political party (past or present): None.

Occupation, business/employer name: Team Leader/Community Engagement

Lead at Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (Foundation House) – providing

trauma recovery and mental health services.

Property interests: One owner-occupied property.

Business interests: None currently.

Three most important issues for your ward:

Top three issues for Casey and Kalora Ward:

1. Improve and expand Council’s services

If elected, I will focus on improving and expanding council services and

infrastructure. I will champion increased and better recreational and sport facilities

that can be accessed by all Casey residents. The City of Casey has limited public

transportation, and residents need to travel long distances to access social,

recreational and sporting facilities. Better access will reduce social isolation and

improve residents’ physical and mental health. I will also focus on improving

community safety and crime prevention initiatives.

2. Support economic growth to assist local businesses

The City of Casey is the most populated municipality in Victoria. However, many

residents travel to work outside of the area. I will focus on a plan to attract more

businesses to the City of Casey. I will also focus on supporting small business

owners through minimising costs and providing greater incentives for people to do

business in Casey.

3. Ensure greater accountability for all Council decision-making

I will bring integrity and independence to the Council and will deliver results. Due to

corruption and the dismissal of previous councillors, the reputation of elected councillors

is damaged. I will work hard to bring back trust, accountability and transparency. I

will advocate for greater accountability for all Council decision-making, both in terms

of what services are provided and how money is spent to fund them. I will regularly

consultant with residents and advocate for greater resident input on all issues before


Describe your involvement in the local community:

I am an active community member with over 20 years of experience as a volunteer

with a myriad of community groups. I was a finalist for Casey Citizen of the Year in

2023 in recognition of my volunteer work with various sports, health and community

organisations. Some of my community involvement includes: Secretary of Greater

Dandenong FC, Coach for Melbourne Storm Women’s Volleyball Club, President of

United Cultural Support Inc (UCSI), and Committee Member of Voice of the Outer

South East (VOSE). Since 2023, I’ve also been coordinator of the Nawruz Festival,

one of the largest annual events in Dandenong, which attracts thousands of

attendees from the City of Casey.

Why are you standing for election? To bring integrity, independence and diversity

to the City of Casey.

What is your campaign budget? I have started my campaign only about three

weeks ago (as of 23 September) and as this is my first time running for council, my budget is evolving.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed? 

My campaign is primarily self-funded, but I have received donations from individual

community members ranging from $50 to $1000. I will disclose donations as required

by law.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised

your campaign? None.

Who will you direct your preferences to? I haven’t yet decided.

Damien Sawyer

Suburb of residence:

Narre Warren

How long have you lived in The City of Casey?

About 12 Years

Political party (past or present):

Was a member of Liberal briefly, but it wasn’t for me. I much prefer independant candidates at all levels of government. One of my reasons for running is to stop Kalora falling into the hands of a political party.

Occupation, business/employer name:

I’m a software architect, lead developer and software coach. I work on a number of projects including my own web businesses such as

Property interests:

Only our family home.

Business interests:

Three most important issues for your ward:

Rates, roads and rubbish!

Describe your involvement in the local community:

I have five children. Pretty much where they go, I go. Sports, dance, boys’ brigade, choir, swimming, library, school plays, karate etc. You name it, we do it! I also teach guitar and piano to school kids in my spare time. I’m not paid for this but do it because it brings me great joy.

Why are you standing for election?

People whom I know in the community asked me to. I genuinely love people and the city of Casey in which we live. I’ve always had a strong interest in politics and follow it closely. I want to see OUR interests pushed, not those of developers, the big parties or special interest minority groups. Doing the work that I do with softwarw engineering, I think that I have skills in identifying waste and reducing costs. I believe in this area I often see opportunities which others miss. I’m also sick of the division in politics. Why is there so much fighting? It is often counter productive and, I suspect, a distraction from actually focussing on the important things.

What is your campaign budget?

As little as we can make it! We’ve had lots of great people volunteer to help the campaign. They’re doing a lot of jobs that we’d otherwise have to pay for. The budget is around $3000 but I suspect we’re not going to spend it all.

Who are your campaign donors? How much have each contributed?

No one so far. It’s all being funded from our savings. We are firm though in that we’re not accepting any donations from Labor, Liberal, the Greens or any other party; nor from any big businesses. We’re absolutely resolute on this position and no amount of coersion will change that.

What councillors, ex-councillors, MPs or ex-MPs have assisted or advised your campaign?

No one has helped us at this stage. I went to an evening where Shar Balmes spoke about what council life was like. She inspired me, however hasn’t helped the campaign in any way.

Who will you direct your preferences to?

2 – Peterine Smulders, 3 – Duc Nguyen

Melinda Ambros

Suburb of Residence: I was born and raised in Endeavour Hills and now reside in Clyde North, maintaining a deep connection to the City of Casey.

How long have you lived in the City of Casey? 35+ years

Political Party (past or present): Independent candidate with no political affiliations.

Occupation, business/employer name: HR Professional

Property Interests: No property interests.

Business Interests: No business interests or conflicts of interest.

Three Most Important Issues for Your Ward:

Keeping Council Rates Low: Rising rates have placed a burden on families. I am committed to ensuring that residents see value for their money. I want residents to feel confident that their rates are spent appropriately, and I will work hard to advocate for fairer rates.

Neglected Infrastructure: Suburbs like Endeavour Hills, Lysterfield South, and Narre Warren North have been overlooked for too long. I will push for improved roads, safer footpaths, enhancing resident safety, and better-maintained facilities, ensuring our region gets the resources it needs.

Supporting Community Services: From well-being services that cater to all ages to supporting local sports clubs and community events, I will focus on promoting initiatives that strengthen the Kalora ward and enrich the lives of residents.

Describe Your Involvement in the Local Community:

Over the past 20 years, I have led and participated in numerous community-focused initiatives. My work includes organising and running fundraising events for various causes, including local charities and community projects, along with youth tournaments that encourage sports participation and promote healthy activities for future generations. Whether mentoring individuals, providing care for those in need of support and assistance, coaching sports teams, or working behind the scenes, my commitment to our community has made a real difference.

Beyond the field, I frequently roll up my sleeves in the kitchen, preparing meals and serving food for our community at local events. My involvement in grassroots sporting clubs like Dandenong City and Berwick Churches soccer clubs, coupled with my experience in organising tournaments, means I have supported hundreds of players in reaching their potential. Through these efforts, I aim to bring the community together and create opportunities for everyone to contribute.

Why are you standing for election?

I’m standing to ensure that local issues are prioritised over politics, while upholding integrity in every decision. I want to see real investment in our community and believe in delivering practical, community-focused solutions. I aim to be the voice for residents and to restore attention to the suburbs that have been neglected.

Campaign Budget: I’m self-funded, and my campaign budget is conservative.

Campaign Donors: I have no donors; I am entirely self-funded.

Who has assisted your campaign? I have received support and advice from many local residents and individuals who share my vision for the community.

Preferences: I have not yet made a decision on this.