A new study zone was officially unveiled at Bunjil Place Library on Thursday 5 December.
Approximately 24 metres of additional study space has been installed on level one.
The Connected Libraries Facilities Development Plan 2023-2027 identified the need for increased study facilities at Bunjil Place Library.
City of Casey mayor cr Stefan Koomen said this project was a simple, cost-effective way to have an immediate impact on the ability of students and workers to study in a safe, accessible space.
“Study spaces have become of particular interest to many library patrons who don’t have access to suitable study or work environments at home,” he said.
“The new study space accommodates up to 24 additional users at any one time.
“The increase in study space will also free up other parts of the library, such as meeting rooms that are regularly converted into quasi-study rooms, for other programming opportunities.”
Council received $14,645 in funding for the project via the Victorian Government’s Living Libraries Infrastructure Program 2023-24.
Council contributed a further $10,057 towards this project.
“On behalf of Council, I would like to thank the Victorian Government for its funding and look forward to continuing to grow our partnership to meet the needs of our rapidly growing community,” cr Koomen said.
Connected Libraries chief executive officer Beth Luppino said increasingly the community was looking to the library as an alternative space to study or work.
“In 2024, we have had more than 325,000 visitors to Bunjil Place Library. We also offer free Wi-Fi, which is an added bonus,” she said.