The Federal Government funding to save the Doveton Pool has finally been secured, and to celebrate, locals were treated to a barbecue hosted by Bruce MP Julian Hill and City of Casey Mayor Stefan Koomen.
In addition to a community-wide celebration, it also served as a perfect place for the residents to share their insights and ideas as to what they would like to see upgraded with the pool’s facilities.
Julian Hill said that the Doveton Pool has been “treasured by our community for generations”.
“I was really proud that the Federal Government secured the $7.5 million in funding to save and upgrade the pool.”
The $7.5 million to fund the upgrades will include an improved outdoor swimming pool with disability access, a new kids pool and splash park with slides and other activities, as well as a family-friendly play space with a BBQ area and new lighting.
Built back in 1968, the pool is nothing less of a generational community landmark, a cherished part of the community for over half a century after the community raised funds following public concerns about drownings in Eummemerring Creek.
Casey’s Mayor, Stefan Koomen, said “It’s fantastic to see so many people proud of the community coming together to save this important asset”.
“Doveton Pool was built by the community, and it was saved by the community; I’m delighted to be able to celebrate with so many people here today (because) when communities come together, we can achieve so much.”
For Hill, the pool, which faced closure and demolition in recent years but was saved by the campaigning of local residents, said that “it’s one of the best examples in recent years of the local community coming together with elected representatives from all levels of government”.