By Violet Li
Construction, health and community services, education and training, and retail and hospitality are the sectors Chisholm Institute of TAFE and the City of Casey have identified to expand priority training programs in.
Last month, the two institutions announced their partnership to create accessible employment pathways for residents and enhance local hiring opportunities for businesses.
According to Chisholm Institute of TAFE, through industry and community engagement and analysis of the Victorian Skills Authority employment projections, the partnership has identified that expansion of priority training programs is needed within the Construction, Health & Community Services, Education & Training and Retail & Hospitality sectors to support the growth and resilience of the City of Casey’s businesses.
The partnership also formalises Chisholm and the City of Casey’s commitment to expanding training into emerging areas of regional significance, including Advanced Manufacturing, Business and Professional Services, Logistics, Creative Industries, and the Visitor Economy.
“By focusing on these areas, the partnership aims to equip the region with the skills needed for future industries, ensuring workforce readiness and providing a competitive advantage to meet growth trends in both established and emerging sectors,” a spokesperson for the Chisholm said.
“A key focus of this partnership includes increasing engagement with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community by actively seeking input from Indigenous leaders and organisations to enhance educational access and employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”
The spokesperson also said it had established training partnerships with Casey businesses to recruit, train and employ job seekers across the region to meet the local workforce skill shortages, particularly in manufacturing and early childhood education.
“Additionally, Chisholm is actively contributing to the development of the local Healthcare Precinct, collaborating with Monash Health and the City of Casey to promote training and employment opportunities in the care sector,” they said.
“This collaboration aims to build a highly skilled, locally trained workforce to meet the growing healthcare needs of the region.”
Chisholm also works closely with local industries through its Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs) to ensure its programs are responsive to the needs of employers and the community.
Chisholm Institute of TAFE chief executive officer Stephen Varty said they are proud to partner with the City of Casey to develop training programs that directly respond to industry needs and provide residents with hands-on learning opportunities.
“This collaboration reinforces our commitment to delivering high-quality education that benefits individuals, businesses, and the broader Casey community,” he said.
“With two of our campuses based in the City of Casey, our Berwick and Cranbourne campuses, this partnership plays a vital role in aligning our education offerings with local Casey industry needs and supporting the growth and resilience of priority sectors in the region.”