By Jonty Ralphsmith
Dandenong District Cricket Association Turf 3 club Doveton North has had its five wins for 2023-24 stripped after the club was found to have breached the Player Points System.
Six rival clubs launched a joint complaint on Wednesday 31 January believing Doveton North could be playing over the 23-point cap.
Per rule 7.7 in the DDCA senior rule book: “any team found to have breached [the maximum number of team points] shall lose the match points gained and be fined at level 4 ($100).”
Effectively, Doveton North – which was first on the ladder prior to round 12 – has only retained 12 points; gained through matches abandoned.
The club is aware it has been playing close to the limit throughout the season, having welcomed in a host of new two-point players.
Five-point bowler Sachith Jayasingha was also an addition, but the club believed it had always been within the cap.
Miscommunication about the status of multiple players looks set to cost Doveton North a finals spot, but the club does plan on appealing the decision.
Doveton North insists it has co-operated with the league throughout the entire season regarding its player points list and is disappointed that this has occurred so late in the campaign.
One person from within the club claims it has led to a wasted season, while doubts have been raised about whether Doveton North will be able to field a team in the last two rounds, and next season, if the appeal is unsuccessful.
Out of respect for the process, the DDCA chose not to comment.
Clubs received an email last Wednesday requesting an audit of players.
Berwick Springs now occupies fourth spot on the DDCA table, with 43 points.
It follows Turf 1 club Buckley Ridges being docked 12 points earlier in the season for a player points issue following an unsuccessful appeal.