Movie tickets in the can

THE City of Casey will be giving the star treatment to residents who recycle correctly over the next couple of months.
Inspired by National Recycling Week, which runs from 12 to 18 November, residents who separate their waste for the kerb-side bins could score a gold star from council and be in the running to win movie tickets.
Engineering and environmental services manager David Richardson said throughout November and December recycling inspectors would conduct daily audits of recycling bins placed out for collection throughout the municipality.
They would then reward residents with a gold sticker on their bin for doing the right thing.
Gold star sticker recipients will then go into a weekly draw to win movie tickets.
For residents to be in the running to win movie tickets, they have to make sure only the correct plastics are recycled along with other household recyclables including paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars and aluminium and steel cans.
“Sometimes when the incorrect items are placed in the recycling bin, and if our recycling collection is too contaminated, we have to dispose of the items at landfill,” Mr Richardson said.
“Around 90 per cent of Casey residents recycle correctly so we are doing a fantastic job already in diverting recyclables from landfill.”
Movie ticket winners will be notified by mail.