Salvos’ appeal goes digital

Major Greg Pack of Berwick’s Salvation Army Church. 209042_03. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Brendan Rees

After more than 55 years of knocking on doors each May, The Salvation Army is taking the Red Shield Appeal digital in response to Covid-19’s impact on social contact.

With Australians facing an economic and social crisis unlike anything witnessed in recent decades, Major Greg Pack of Berwick’s Salvation Army Church said now more than ever, people were turning to The Salvation Army for urgent help with the Salvos also bracing for a further influx once isolation measures are lifted.

“This year however, due to the coronavirus restrictions, our usual methods of fund raising at Shopping Centres, Bunnings Warehouse and intersections are not permitted, so we are considering alternative ways of raising funds,” Mr Pack said.

The national fundraising campaign has instead gone online with people encouraged to donate to the Red Shield Appeal Digital Doorknock fundraiser – with all funds going to vital services and providing hardship support on an unprecedented scale.

“What would be really great is if lots of people jumped on board and started their own fundraising page linked to ours,” Mr Pack said.

“When you set up your page you don’t have to have a huge financial goal. This could be 10 friends donating $20 or 20 friends donating $10 to your page and before you know if you have $200 to contribute to our goal which will support both our Emergency Relief Assistance and our Alcohol and Other Drugs day rehab program.”

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