Three… ways to stay active in April

1 – Premier’s Active April.

This year’s Premier’s Active April officially kicks off 1 April! It’s free to sign up and it’s a fun way to encourage your family, friends or workplace to get more active for the month of April. Each user will receive 10 free visits to Casey Arc during the month of April.

2 – Men of Doveton free health program.

The Men of Doveton is a free health program for men aged 18 and over living, working or recreating in Melbourne’s outer South East. It consists of programs aimed to improve your mental and physical health through a series of workshops, presentations, events and experiences.

3 – Full moon mediation

Take time out of your busy schedule to just ‘be’, so you can leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after being guided through a 45 minute meditation at Casey ARC, Casey RACE or Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre.