Casey presents Carmina Burana

The Casey Philharmonic Orchestra. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

The Casey Philharmonic Orchestra is excited to announce a special performance of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana – one of the most popular pieces of music written for choir and orchestra.

The event will be held at Bunjil Place Theatre on Saturday 7 September at 7.20pm.

A mass choir 100 voices including the Cranbourne Choral and the Singularity Choir as well as Australia’s three most talented soloists will also perform – all under the guidance of renowned conductor Joseph Lallo.

Carmina Burana was first performed in Germany in 1937, and is one of the most exciting music master pieces ever written and performed.

Based around poems written in the 11th and 12th centuries Carmina Burana includes works for orchestra, soloists, and mass choirs.

Tickets on sale now at