Nick Verhaar
Millions of people all over the world suffer from some form of blindness, whether it be only partially or completely blind. Regardless of its severity, it is a massive hindrance to the way blind people live.
A revolutionary new technology has recently been developed to allow blind people to see without eyes. This new technology requires that the user wear a pair of specially designed glasses with a tiny camera mounted to the frames. This camera captures images and sends video signals into a computer, which is then processed and delivered directly to the brain via two cables.
This new technology works in conjunction with surgery that involves the implantation of electrodes in the brain and requires that the user “plug in” to a computer to see. These little electrodes then stimulate the back of the brain, which in turn creates visual images.
While this new technology does give blind people the ability to see, in its present state it is still primitive. What you would see through the use of this device has been described by users as a pattern of white dots, or a sequence of flashing lights that resemble the outline of objects in front of the user.
While this is not ideal, it is a step in the right direction. As the technology continues to evolve and develop, so too will its ability to process visual images to the brain.
Maybe some day this technology or another like it will make it possible for blind people to completely recover the ability to see.