Celebration set to get melting pot cooking

Members of the Nuer Sudanese Dance Group perform to the crowd at last year’s event.  The group will take to the stage again this year.Members of the Nuer Sudanese Dance Group perform to the crowd at last year’s event. The group will take to the stage again this year.

DOVETON is a melting pot of cultures but that doesn’t stop many of the local residents joining as one to celebrate Australia Day festivities.
And 2007 will be no exception with Betula Reserve set to stage a range of activities for everyone to enjoy.
Doveton and Eumemmerring Neighbourhood Renewal is joining with Dandenong Little Athletics and the YMCA in organising a day that will focus on celebrating the diverse cultures that make up the local community and are part of Australia today.
The City of Casey is also supporting the event.
A concert will headline the day with multicultural food stalls, craft, face painting, an interactive sporting carnival, indigenous painting workshops and many other activities to keep everyone entertained throughout the day.
Artists performing include Bobby Shank, the Sudanese Nuer Dance Group, the Bosnian Choir and guitarist Tim McMillan.
Holt MP Anthony Byrne will present the Holt Australia Day Awards, in a ceremony guaranteed to recognise the achievements of people in the community.
Celebrations run from 10am to 3pm on 26 January at Betula Reserve, Kidds Road, Doveton.