TWO Casey schools are set for a maintenance funding boost to help repair buildings deemed to be in a ‘poor’ condition.
Last week the State Government announced a $51.5 million investment to repair or rebuild every government school building in a poor condition.
River Gum Primary School and Cranbourne West Primary School will receive funding to fix four buildings that a recent maintenance audit found were in ‘poor’ condition.
River Gum Primary School will receive $79,155 to fix three buildings and Cranbourne West Primary School will receive $7498 to repair one building.
South Eastern Metropolitan Region MP Inga Peulich said the funds would fix the most urgent problems in Casey schools.
“The independent maintenance audit has given us a clear picture of school maintenance requirements so that funding is allocated to schools most in need of repair or rebuilding,” she said.
River Gum Primary School principal Roma McKinnon said they were thrilled with the announcement.
“On behalf of the school community we are extremely happy to receive this additional facilities funding from the State Government,” she said.
“We will use this money to carry out the repairs which have been identified in the report such as, worn areas, damaged spouting and repairs to concrete and fences.
“These repairs will take place over the next six months.”
Education Minister Martin Dixon said a comprehensive maintenance audit of more than 27,000 school buildings was carried out last year, fulfilling an election promise.
“The government is committed to better building management in all 1539 government schools,” he said.
“Despite the billions spent on programs like Building the Education Revolution, the audit revealed a massive $420 million maintenance backlog.”
None of the buildings pose a safety risk in their current state. Principals will receive a copy of their school’s Condition Assessment Report based on the findings of the industry best-practice audits undertaken in 2012.