U3A Cranbourne
THE U3A Cranbourne will start its second term for 2016 on Monday 11 April. The group currently has vacancies in folk art, bridge, mahjong, click clack and chat (knitting), singing for fun, cycling, discussion group and crochet.
– Casey Indoor Leisure Centre 3/65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne. For more information contact Anne Thompson, tutor and co-ordinator on 5996 7841.
Lee Kernaghan
AUSTRALIAN country music legend Lee Kernaghan is taking his The Songs and The Stories in Concert show on the road and will play at the Hallam Hotel in May. The show will feature songs from his most recent album, Spirit of the Anzacs, which was the biggest selling Australian album of 2015.
– Hallam Hotel, Thursday 19 May, 8.30pm. For more information call 8786 0200 or visit www.moshtix.com.au.
Mental health program
GROW offers a 12-step recovery focused program to those suffering from stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional difficulties.
– Berwick Neighbourhood Centre 112 High Street, Berwick, every Wednesday at 10am. For further information contact GROW Community Centre on 1800 558 268 or visit www.grow.org.au. Gold coin donation appreciated.
Indoor lawn balls
GET active with full size indoor lawn bowls, free coaching and morning tea at the Casey Indoor Sports Centre.
– New Holland Drive, Cranbourne East, every Friday morning from 10am to noon. Morning tea costs $5.
Yoga for all
IYENGA Yoga focuses on the structural alignment of the body through the performance of posture and breath control. This style of yoga is perfectly designed for all fitness levels and is excellent for beginners, the elderly and those recovering from injury. This unique practice explores the union of mind, body and soul for strength and vitality.
– Balla Balla Community Centre, Cranbourne East. Thursday 14 April for 11 weeks. 1pm to 2.30pm. Bookings are essential on 5990 0900.
Park run
PARTICIPATE with more than 100 others in a free five-kilometre timed event every Saturday morning. The event caters for serious runners and for those wanting a jog or even a walk.
– Saturdays at 8am at Berwick Springs, visit the Berwick Springs Parkrun website for more information.
Ultimate ABBA Show
GOLD is the name of the newest ABBA tribute show to hit Dandenong. Dancing Queen: The 40th Anniversary Tour has been staged around Australia and performed to more than 20,000 people since it started in 2014.
– Drum Theatre, corner Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong. Saturday 14 May, 8pm. Tickets adult $59.90, concession $49.90, child under 16 years old $49.90.
Walk the centre
CRANBOURNE Park offers health walks where participants are taken by a qualified instructor from the YMCA. Registrations can be taken on the day and participants are encouraged to wear loose fitting clothes and comfortable walking shoes.
– Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.40am in the fresh food area and the walk finishes at 8.45am.
Car boot and market sale
THE Cranbourne Bowling Club holds a car boot and market sale on the first Sunday of every month.
– 5 Grant Street / PO Box 126, Cranbourne. Free entry, $10 per car. For more information call Shirley Venville on 0411 774 783 or email crannybowls@bigpond.com.