Wish upon a star and make a difference for Casey Hospital’s youngest patients this Christmas.
Monash Health is hoping to raise $20,000 in which its Christmas appeal donors hang Imagination Stars on the hospital’s Christmas tree.
Each donor writes the name of a friend, family member or patient on a star, as a symbol of support. They also receive a star to hang on their tree at home.
At the front of the campaign is three-year-old Harvey whose Christmas was turned upside-down last year.
On Christmas Day 2016, he was rushed to an emergency ward with an infection.
He was shortly afterwards diagnosed with leukemia and has been since in and out of hospital for blood tests, chaemo and lumbar puncture procedures.
His parents Kate and Joel have wished upon a star for a healthier future for their son.
Monash Health Foundation spokeswoman Lauren Allnutt said money raised during the appeal would go towards equipment at Casey Hospital’s children ward.
Bronze, silver and gold stars range from $15 to $50.
Details: www.imagination.org