Prep students at Berwick Lodge Primary School had the chance to do some planting with Kasandra from Bunnings on Friday, 14 September.
They planted different seedlings in the schools beloved Community Garden – a garden specifically made to encourage and teach students about sustainability.
With spring and planting season finally here, the preps were really able to get their hands dirty.
“Planting was so much fun,” prep student Declan said.
Student James said, “I’m really looking forward to seeing them all grow.”
This term the prep grades have been learning about sustainability in a unit called ‘I’m
a Planeteer’.
With ‘Eco Warriors’ advocating for a clean school during lunch times, their mascot ‘Wilbur the Worm’ visiting homes to discover sustainability, and recycling old supermarket boxes and containers to make into toys or different projects, they have had so much fun.
Student Jonoel said that he loved the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities that used recycled materials and student Joshua enjoyed reusing old things for building because he wants to be a construction worker.
“With one week to go, term three is nearly over and our Berwick Lodge Planeteers will be reflecting on what they have learned,” prep teacher Carla Conway said.
“From their actions it really makes us think about what we are doing to help our planet and gives us time to remember those famous words made popular by Dr Seuss’ The Lorax, ‘Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.’”