By Jessica Anstice
Beaconhills College student Alysha Hall, along with 15 other students, will be travelling to Nepal in November to work in villages, helping families move back into their homes that were ravaged by the earthquake in 2016.
“Throughout my life, I have always loved helping others and I have been able to do this in our local community for the last few years,” Ms Hall said.
“However, when this opportunity arose for me to help a family on the other side of the world, I grabbed it with both hands because this is something so unique to what I have done in the past.”
Working with Habitat for Humanity, the students will spend a month helping the most vulnerable families to build new homes and transforming lives.
“I admire the work that Habitat for Humanity does all around the world and I knew that I wanted to be a part of this project as soon as it was presented to me,” she said.
Ms Hall believes that being able to get to know the family she will be helping and working with them directly will be “quite remarkable”.
“We will be able to see first-hand that our hard work has made a significant difference and impact on others,” she said.
The Beaconhills College students will be fundraising together by running events both inside and outside of school such as sausage sizzles or bake sales.
“We will also each have a Habitat for Humanity fundraising page that will be open to family, friends and the wider community to donate,” she said.
“This is still very much a work in progress for our group and we will be very open to any fundraising opportunity offered to us.
“It would be amazing if others could donate to this cause because it is such an empowering opportunity we have to be able to rebuild a family’s home and we couldn’t achieve this without the help of others.”
Ms Hall is involved in many citizenship and service activities within the community.
“I thoroughly enjoy participating in community service activities and I am very grateful for my college and my family for providing me with so many opportunities,” she said.
“I feel as though I am very privileged to be in the position I am in, and know that I am very lucky to be able to lead the life that I do.
“Therefore, I take as many opportunities as I can to help others in need who are not in the same position as me.”