By Jessica Anstice
Elderly residents will have the opportunity to return to ‘school’ in the coming months, with Casey University of the Third Age’s (U3A) Summer School for Seniors program.
A voluntary community organisation, Casey U3A provides low-cost learning to older people, enabling them to keep both mentally and physically active and alert.
This summer, the organisation will be offering 15 classes – most online via Zoom due to Covid-19, others in outdoor areas and a couple in a community hall.
Casey U3A vice president and event coordinator Christine Trimnell said the plan is to reach out to culturally diverse seniors in the community as well as existing members and other local retirees.
“The suggestion to run the Summer School only came up in a meeting four weeks ago, so it’s a bit frantic pulling everything together, but we are well on our way now,” she said.
Summer School will kick off on 1 December with ‘walking football’.
“If you have not heard of this you are not alone,” she added.
“It is a new version of football taking the world by storm, especially if you’re over 50.”
According to Ms Trimnell, the rules are simple and one can actually be penalised for running or making physical contact.
Teams are made up of about six players and can be both men and women.
Only a soccer ball and two goal squares are needed, plus an area the size of a basketball court.
The game will be held at Akoonah Park in Berwick and hosted by a leader from Football Victoria, who will teach new players exactly how to play.
Other outdoor classes will include TaiChi, walking groups, barefoot bowls, as well as a painting and drawing group.
Classes like Zumba Gold, iPhoto photography, cultural exchanges, Ted Talk review discussions, book club and arthritis exercises will be conducted online via Zoom.
Line dancing, knitting and sewing will take place in a hall under strict Covid-19 restrictions.
Casey U3A Summer School for Seniors is free to attend thanks to sponsorship from City of Casey.
It will run from 1 December to 29 January, with a two week break over Christmas and New Years.
Visit the CaseyU3A website to find out more: casey.u3anet.org.au