Home News Page 1919


Health centre ransacked

A HEALTH care centre in Cranbourne North was broken into last week. Police were called to the centre on the corner of Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road...

Thank you from SES

THE Narre Warren State Emergency Service branch has expressed thanks to the public following a successful can-shake in Cranbourne last weekend. Kanny Lee, of Narre...

Child services share $170,000

KINDERGARTENS and childcare centres across Casey look set to share $170,000 in grants to boost safety, buy equipment and improve general amenities. Narre Warren North...

Surprise additions

CITY of Casey’s Myuna Farm in Doveton has had a couple of new arrivals this spring, with resident goat and ‘media darling’ Myrtle having...

Macca’s flag in a flap over protocol

A NARRE Warren man is less than lovin’ McDonald’s treatment of the Australian flag. David McKenzie voiced his concern to the News after he tried...

Life’s a ball at the library

CASEY’S libraries are full of fun over the school holidays and Narre Warren was no exception last week. Children took part in a skeleton theme...

New church opens for business

THE HEAVENS rarely open in terms of rain these days but a new Hallam church is officially opening its doors next week. The Hallam Christian...

Pub cash grab

AN ARMED man escaped with cash on Monday following a hold-up at the Fountain Gate Taverner Hotel in Narre Warren. About 3.20pm a man entered...

Bad news for good book

By Rebecca FraserBIBLES are taking a bashing after being excluded from hospital bedsides. The holy books have been removed at Dandenong Hospital and never became...

Walls idea gains acclaim

CASEY will look at establishing a ‘wall of acclaim’ devoted to local identities and heroes. The idea came after councillors saw a similar wall near...

Cuppa marks milestone

CASEY Hospital has turned one. Last Thursday the special occasion was marked in Berwick with a visit from Southern Health chief executive Linda Sorrell, who...

Police out to grab purse thief

POLICE believe a serial purse snatcher who is preying on workplaces in the Casey area will strike again. The thief has struck on four occasions...


Lake name concerns spark again

The debate continues on the naming of the local Guru Nanak Lake in Berwick Springs, as the local community looks to gather once more...