Bad decisions

WELL said Allan Tully (News, 3 October) regarding councillors’ decisions without consulting ratepayers.
To have us submit a question by 10am on the morning before a council meeting.
Who took part in deciding to amend the long-standing practice of written questions being submitted 10 minutes prior to a council meeting?
Is the intent to curb Mr Paul Richardson from submitting questions?
This is not good enough. How are working people able to get to the office and submit their question by 10am on a Monday ?
Councillors are there as servants of ratepayers and as soon as that ceases it is time for them to get going and replaced with genuine persons looking after ratepayers.
Councillors are not held in high regard by ratepayers in on the spot surveys, the biggest response is I do not know the name of my councillor and what the heck, they are only there for their self-interest.
Geoff Cousins,