Q and A with Arj Barker

Arj Barker.

How passionate are you about MotoGP racing? Well to be honest, I don’t know a whole lot about it, but I think it’s fantastic that these doctors are able to have an exciting hobby outside of their busy work hours.

What are you looking forward to about the Cranbourne Wave Off? When they approached me, they asked if I was afraid of heights. So that tells me there are heights involved, and that’s a lot different to the gigs I usually get, so I’m looking forward to getting high (literally – I know this is a family event!).

Have you been to the MotoGP at Phillip Island? I have not, unless I have, but something happened that made forget, like an alien abduction, or a massive conk on the head. But I don’t think so.

You are appearing at Bunjil Place on October 26. What can fans expect? They can expect to laugh a lot and have a fantastic time, and thus remind themselves why they came along in the first place, sort of like a cool self-fulfilling prophecy.

Will you include your GP wave off experience in your Narre Warren show? It’s possible. It really just depends how the day goes, and if something funny happens. I’ll try!

What would you say to mums and dads who are going to turn out with their kids to see you wave off the riders? I will give them my word that I will keep the swearing down to an absolute medium. JK, I’ll keep it clean. Can’t speak for the GPs though – it’s race day, and they’ve got an Rx for moto madness!