It’s time to reuse, rethink and recycle when the Garage Sale Trail (GST) comes to town on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October.
Households, schools, community groups and local businesses are invited to host a sale or shop the trail, joining more than 400,000 Australians in this huge movement that makes one man’s trash another man’s treasure.
Casey residents are being asked to repurpose those second-hand goods that are cluttering up their closet and be part of this nation-wide event by registering their own sale.
For shoppers, the GST is a great opportunity to pick up a bargain and find something unique, while also doing their bit for the environment.
For sellers, it’s a great chance to get rid of those bits and bobs that they might not love as much as they used to.
City of Casey mayor Cr Amanda Stapledon said she is thrilled that Casey is taking part in this year’s movement.
“The GST is a wonderful opportunity for us to put our environment first and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by reusing what’s already there,” she said.
“This is one of Australia’s biggest community and sustainability events; one gigantic weekend of waste-reducing, planet saving and treasure hunting.
“It’s also an opportunity to make a little bit of extra money, and it’s all for a good cause.”
Registration for this event is free, and the City of Casey will promote the registered sales once locations are confirmed.
Find out more at the Garage Sale Trail website, www.garagesaletrail.com.au.